Unix Primer:Unix File System,Some Useful Unix Commands and Unix Portability.
Unix File System Unix allows a user to group related files within a directory. Suppose we want to work with two different applications, one involving documents and the other involving images. May be we group the document related files under one directory and image related files in another directory. Sometimes it helps to further subdivide files. Unix allows creation of sub-directories to help organise files hierarchically. Such a file organisation creates a tree of directories with files as leaves. When you log into a Unix system you always do so in your login directory. You may create files as well as subdirectories starting from the login directory. A n example of file hierarchy: When I created course notes for web browsing, I first created a directory COURSES under my home directory. Under this directory I created directories called OS, SE, COMPILERS respectively for operating systems, software engineering and compiler courses. You may browse the course pages at the URL http://...