Transform & Conquer

Transform & Conquer


Transform & Conquer is a general algorithm design technique which works in two stages.

STAGE 1: (Transformation stage): The problem’s instance is modified, more amenable to solution

STAGE 2: (Conquering stage): The transformed problem is solved

The three major variations of the transform & conquer differ by the way a given instance is transformed:

1. INSTANCE SIMPLIFICATION: Transformation of an instance of a problem to an instance of the same problem with some special property that makes the problem easier to solve.

Example: list pre-sorting, AVL trees

2. REPRESENTATION CHANGE: Changing one representation of a problem’s instance into another representation of the same instance.

Example: 2-3 trees, heaps and heapsort

3. PROBLEM REDUCTION: Transforming a problem given to another problem that can be solved by a known algorithm.

Example: reduction to graph problems, reduction to linear programming


• Presorting is an example for instance simplification.

• Many questions about lists are easier to answer if the lists are sorted.

• Time efficiency of the problem’s algorithm is dominated by the algorithm used for sorting the list.


No comparison based sorting algorithm can has a better efficiency than nlogn in the worst case

Example: Problem of checking element uniqueness in an array:

• Limitation of brute-force algorithm:

Compares pairs of the array’s elements until either two equal elements are found or no more pairs were left. Worst case efficiency = Θ(n2)

• Using presorting:

Presorting helps to sort the array first and then check only its consecutive elements: if the array has equal elements, a pair of them must be next to each other

ALGORITHM PresortElementUniqueness( a[0…n-1])

//solves the element uniqueness problem by sorting the array first

//i/p: An array A of orderable elements

//o/p: Returns “true” if A has no equal elements, “false” otherwise



• Input size: n – array size

• Basic operation: key comparison

• Running time = sum of the time spent on sorting AND time spent on checking consecutive elements.



Example: Searching problem

• Brute-force solution:

Sequential search using brute-force methods needs n comparisons in the worst case, Worst case efficiency = Θ(n)

• Using presorting:

Presorting sorts the array first and then even if binary search is applied to search the key, the running time is:

Running time = time required to sort the array + time required to search the key using binary search



Using presorting, the solution is inferior to sequential search using brute force. BUT if the list is searched many number of times, then presorting is advantageous.


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