Multidimensional Spatial Data Structures:Region Data.

Region Data

There are many ways of representing region data. We can represent a region either by its boundary (termed a boundary-based representation) or by its interior (termed an interior- based representation). In this section, we focus on representations of collections of regions by their interior. In some applications, regions are really objects that are composed of smaller primitive objects by use of geometric transformations and Boolean set operations. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) [58] is a term usually used to describe such representations. They are beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, unless noted otherwise, our discussion is restricted to regions consisting of congruent cells of unit area (volume) with sides (faces) of unit size that are orthogonal to the coordinate axes.

Regions with arbitrary boundaries are usually represented by either using approximating bounding rectangles or more general boundary-based representations that are applicable to collections of line segments that do not necessarily form regions. In that case, we do not restrict the line segments to be perpendicular to the coordinate axes. Such representations are discussed in Section 16.6. It should be clear that although our presentation and examples in this section deal primarily with two-dimensional data, they are valid for regions of any dimensionality.

The region data is assumed to be uniform in the sense that all the cells that comprise each region are of the same type. In other words, each region is homogeneous. Of course, an image may consist of several distinct regions. Perhaps the best definition of a region is as a set of four-connected cells (i.e., in two dimensions, the cells are adjacent along an edge rather than a vertex) each of which is of the same type. For example, we may have a crop map where the regions correspond to the four-connected cells on which the same crop is grown. Each region is represented by the collection of cells that comprise it. The set of collections of cells that make up all of the regions is often termed an image array because of the nature in which they are accessed when performing operations on them. In particular, the array serves as an access structure in determining the region associated with a location of a cell as well as all remaining cells that comprise the region.

When the region is represented by its interior, then often we can reduce the storage requirements by aggregating identically-valued cells into blocks. In the rest of this section we discuss different methods of aggregating the cells that comprise each region into blocks as well as the methods used to represent the collections of blocks that comprise each region in the image.

The collection of blocks is usually a result of a space decomposition process with a set of rules that guide it. There are many possible decompositions. When the decomposition is recursive, we have the situation that the decomposition occurs in stages and often, although not always, the results of the stages form a containment hierarchy. This means that a block b obtained in stage i is decomposed into a set of blocks bj that span the same space. Blocks bj are, in turn, decomposed in stage i + 1 using the same decomposition rule. Some decomposition rules restrict the possible sizes and shapes of the blocks as well as their placement in space. Some examples include:

• congruent blocks at each stage

• similar blocks at all stages

• all sides of a block are of equal size

• all sides of each block are powers of two

• etc.

Other decomposition rules dispense with the requirement that the blocks be rectangular (i.e., there exist decompositions using other shapes such as triangles, etc.), while still others do not require that they be orthogonal, although, as stated before, we do make these assumptions here. In addition, the blocks may be disjoint or be allowed to overlap. Clearly, the choice is large. In the following, we briefly explore some of these decomposition processes. We restrict ourselves to disjoint decompositions, although this need not be the case (e.g., the field tree [23]).

The most general decomposition permits aggregation along all dimensions. In other words, the decomposition is arbitrary. The blocks need not be uniform or similar. The only requirement is that the blocks span the space of the environment. The drawback of arbitrary decompositions is that there is little structure associated with them. This means that it is difficult to answer queries such as determining the region associated with a given point, besides exhaustive search through the blocks. Thus we need an additional data structure known as an index or an access structure. A very simple decomposition rule that lends itself to such an index in the form of an array is one that partitions a d-dimensional space having coordinate axes xi into d-dimensional blocks by use of hi hyperplanes that are parallel to thehype rplane formed by xi = 0 (1 ≤ i ≤ d). The result is a collection of nd (hi + 1) blocks.

These blocks form a grid of irregular-sized blocks rather than congruent blocks. There is no recursion involved in the decomposition process. We term the resulting decomposition an irregular grid as the partition lines are at arbitrary positions in contrast to a uniform grid [24] where the partition lines are positioned so that all of the resulting grid cells are congruent.

Although the blocks in the irregular grid are not congruent, we can still impose an array access structure by adding d access structures termed linear scales. The linear scales indicate the position of the partitioning hyperplanes that are parallel to the hyperplane formed by xi = 0 (1 ≤ i ≤ d). Thus given a location l in space, say (a,b) in two-dimensional space, the linear scales for the x and y coordinate values indicate the column and row, respectively, of the array access structure entry which corresponds to the block that contains l. The linear scales are usually represented as one-dimensional arrays although they can be implemented using tree access structures such as binary search trees, range trees, segment trees, etc.

Perhaps the most widely known decompositions into blocks are those referred to by the general terms quadtree and octree [60, 63]. They are usually used to describe a class of representations for two and three-dimensional data (and higher as well), respectively, that are the result of a recursive decomposition of the environment (i.e., space) containing the regions into blocks (not necessarily rectangular) until the data in each block satisfies some condition (e.g., with respect to its size, the nature of the regions that comprise it, the number of regions in it, etc.). The positions and/or sizes of the blocks may be restricted or arbitrary. It is interesting to note that quadtrees and octrees may be used with both interior-based and boundary-based representations although only the former are discussed in this section.

There are many variants of quadtrees and octrees (see also Sections 16.2, 16.5, and 16.6), and they are used in numerous application areas including high energy physics, VLSI, finite element analysis, and many others. Below, we focus on region quadtrees [43] and to a lesser extent on region octrees [39, 53] They are specific examples of interior-based representations for two and three-dimensional region data (variants for data of higher dimension also exist), respectively, that permit further aggregation of identically-valued cells.

Region quadtrees and region octrees are instances of a restricted-decomposition rule where the environment containing the regions is recursively decomposed into four or eight, respectively, rectangular congruent blocks until each block is either completely occupied by aregion or is empty (such a decomposition process is termed regular).

For example, Fig-ure 16.8a is the block decomposition for the region quadtree corresponding to three regions A, B, and C. Notice that in this case, all the blocks are square, have sides whose size is a power of 2, and are located at specific positions. In particular, assuming an origin at the lower-left corner of the image containing the regions, then the coordinate values of the lower-left corner of each block (e.g., (a, b) in two dimensions) of size 2i × 2i satisfy the property that a mod 2i = 0 and b mod 2i = 0.

The traditional, and most natural, access structure for a region quadtree corresponding to a d-dimensional image is a tree with a fanout of 2d (e.g., Figure 16.8b). Each leaf node in the tree corresponds to a different block b and contains the identity of the region associated with b. Each nonleaf node f corresponds to a block whose volume is the union of the blocks corresponding to the 2d sons of f . In this case, the tree is a containment hierarchy and closely parallels the decomposition in the sense that they are both recursive processes and the blocks corresponding to nodes at different depths of the tree are similar in shape. Of course, the region quadtree could also be represented by using a mapping from the domain of the blocks to a subset of the integers and then imposing a tree access structure such as a B+-tree on the result of the mapping as was described in Section 16.2 for point data stored in a PR quadtree.

As the dimensionality of the space (i.e., d) increases, each level of decomposition in the region quadtree results in many new blocks as the fanout value 2d is high. In particular, it is too large for a practical implementation of the tree access structure. In this case, an


access structure termed a bintree [44, 65, 72] with a fanout value of 2 is used. The bintree is defined in a manner analogous to the region quadtree except that at each subdivision stage, the space is decomposed into two equal-sized parts. In two dimensions, at odd stages we partition along the y axis and at even stages we partition along the x axis. In general, in the case of d dimensions, we cycle through the different axes every d levels in the bintree.

The region quad tree, as well as the bintree, is a regular decomposition. This means that the blocks are congruent — that is, at each level of decomposition, all of the resulting blocks are of the same shape and size. We can also use decompositions where the sizes of the blocks are not restricted in the sense that the only restriction is that they be rectangular and be a result of a recursive decomposition process. In this case, the representations that we described must be modified so that the sizes of the individual blocks can be obtained. An example of such a structure is an adaptation of the point quadtree [22] to regions. Although the point quadtree was designed to represent points in a higher dimensional space, the blocks resulting from its use to decompose space do correspond to regions. The difference from the region quadtree is that in the point quadtree, the positions of the partitions are arbitrary, whereas they are a result of a partitioning process into 2d congruent blocks (e.g., quartering in two dimensions) in the case of the region quadtree.

As in the case of the region quadtree, as the dimensionality d of the space increases, each level of decomposition in the point quadtree results in many new blocks since the fanout value 2d is high. In particular, it is too large for a practical implementation of the tree access structure. In this case, we can adapt the k-d tree [8], which has a fanout value of 2, to regions. As in the point quadtree, although the k-d tree was designed to represent points in a higher dimensional space, the blocks resulting from its use to decompose space do correspond to regions. Thus the relationship of the k-d tree to the point quadtree is the same as the relationship of the bintree to the region quadtree. In fact, the k-d tree is the precursor of the bintree and its adaptation to regions is defined in a similar manner in the sense that for d-dimensional data we cycle through the d axes every d levels in the k-d tree. The difference is that in the k-d tree, the positions of the partitions are arbitrary, whereas they are a result of a halving process in the case of the bintree.

The k-d tree can be further generalized so that the partitions take place on the various axes at an arbitrary order, and, in fact, the partitions need not be made on every coordinate axis. The k-d tree is a special case of the BSP tree (denoting Binary Space Partitioning) [29] where the partitioning hyperplanes are restricted to be parallel to the axes, whereas in the


BSP tree they have an arbitrary orientation. The BSP tree is a binary tree. In order to be able to assign regions to the left and right subtrees, we need to associate a direction with each subdivision line. In particular, the subdivision lines are treated as separators between two half spaces. Let the subdivision line have the equation a · x + b · y + c = 0. We say that the right subtree is the ‘positive’ side and contains all subdivision lines formed by separators that satisfy a · x + b · y + c 0. Similarly, we say that the left subtree is ‘negative’ and contains all subdivision lines formed by separators that satisfy a · x + b · y + c < 0. As an example, consider Figure 16.9a which is an arbitrary space decomposition whose BSP tree is given in Figure 16.9b. Notice the use of arrows to indicate the direction of the positive halfspaces. The BSP tree is used in computer graphics to facilitate viewing. It is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 20.

As mentioned before, the various hierarchical data structures that we described can also be used to represent regions in three dimensions and higher. As an example, we briefly describe the region octree which is the three-dimensional analog of the region quad tree. It is constructed in the following manner. We start with an image in the form of a cubical volume and recursively subdivide it into eight congruent disjoint cubes (called octants) until blocks are obtained of a uniform color or a predetermined level of decomposition is reached.

Figure 16.10a is an example of a simple three-dimensional object whose region octree block decomposition is given in Figure 16.10b and whose tree representation is given in Figure 16.10c.

The aggregation of cells into blocks in region quad trees and region octrees is motivated, in part, by a desire to save space. Some of the decompositions have quite a bit of structure thereby leading to inflexibility in choosing partition lines, etc. In fact, at times, maintaining the original image with an array access structure may be more effective from the standpoint of storage requirements. In the following, we point out some important implications of the use of these aggregations. In particular, we focus on the region quadtree and region octree. Similar results could also be obtained for the remaining block decompositions.


The aggregation of similarly-valued cells into blocks has an important effect on the execution time of the algorithms that make use of the region quad tree. In particular, most algorithms that operate on images represented by a region quad tree are implemented by a preorder traversal of the quadtree and, thus, their execution time is generally a linear function of the number of nodes in the quad tree. A key to the analysis of the execution time of quad tree algorithms is the Quad tree Complexity Theorem [39] which states that the number of nodes in a region quad tree representation for a simple polygon (i.e., with non-intersecting edges and without holes) is O(p + q) for a 2q × 2q image with perimeter p measured in terms of the width of unit-sized cells (i.e., pixels). In all but the most pathological cases (e.g., a small square of unit width centered in a large image), the q factor is negligible and thus the number of nodes is O(p).

The Quad tree Complexity Theorem also holds for three-dimensional data [52] (i.e., represented by a region octree) where perimeter is replaced by surface area, as well as for objects of higher dimensions d for which it is proportional to the size of the (d − 1)-dimensional interfaces between these objects. The most important consequence of the Quad tree Complexity Theorem is that it means that most algorithms that execute on a region quad tree representation of an image, instead of one that simply imposes an array access structure on the original collection of cells, usually have an execution time that is proportional to the number of blocks in the image rather than the number of unit-sized cells. In its most general case, this means that the use of the region quad tree, with an appropriate access structure, in solving a problem in d-dimensional space will lead to a solution whose execution time is proportional to the (d − 1)-dimensional space of the surface of the original d-dimensional image. On the other hand, use of the array access structure on the original collection of cells results in a solution whose execution time is proportional to the number of cells that comprise the image. Therefore, region quad trees and region octrees act like dimension-reducing devices.


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