Multidimensional Spatial Data Structures:Research Issues and Summary.

Research Issues and Summary

A review has been presented of a number of representations of multidimensional data. Our focus has been on multidimensional spatial data with extent rather than just multidimensional point data. There has been a particular emphasis on hierarchical representations. Such representations are based on the “divide-and-conquer” problem-solving paradigm. They are of interest because they enable focusing computational resources on the inter- esting subsets of data. Thus, there is no need to expend work where the payoff is small. Although many of the operations for which they are used can often be performed equally as efficiently, or more so, with other data structures, hierarchical data structures are attractive because of their conceptual clarity and ease of implementation.

When the hierarchical data structures are based on the principle of regular decomposition, we have the added benefit that different data sets (often of differing types) are in registration. This means that they are partitioned in known positions which are often the same or subsets of one another for the different data sets. This is true for all the features including regions, points, rectangles, lines, volumes, etc. The result is that a query such as “finding all cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants in wheat growing regions within 30 miles of the Mississippi River” can be executed by simply overlaying the region (crops), point (i.e., cities), and river maps even though they represent data of different types. Alternatively, we may extract regions such as those within 30 miles of the Mississippi River. Such operations find use in applications involving spatial data such as geographic information systems.

Current research in multidimensional representations is highly application-dependent in the sense that the work is driven by the application. Many of the recent developments have been motivated by the interaction with databases. The choice of a proper representation plays a key role in the speed with which responses are provided to queries. Knowledge of the underlying data distribution is also a factor and research is ongoing to make use of this information in the process of making a choice. Most of the initial applications in which the representation of multidimensional data has been important have involved spatial data of the kind described in this chapter. Such data is intrinsically of low dimensionality (i.e., two and three).

Future applications involve higher dimensional data for applications such as image databases where the data are often points in feature space. Unfortunately, for such applications, the performance of most indexing methods that rely on a decomposition of the underlying space is often unsatisfactory when compared with not using an index at all (e.g., [16]). The problem is that for uniformly-distributed data, most of the data is found to be at or near the boundary of the space in which it lies [13]. The result means that the query region usually overlaps all of the leaf node regions that are created by the decomposition process and thus a sequential scan is preferable. This has led to a number of alternative representations that try to speed up the scan (e.g., VA-file [75], VA+ -file [21], IQ-tree [15], etc.). Nevertheless, representations such as the pyramid technique [14] are based on the principle that most of the data lies near the surface and therefore subdivide the data space as if it is an onion by peeling off hypervolumes that are close to its boundary. This is achieved by first dividing the hypercube corresponding to the d-dimensional data space into 2d pyramids having the center of the data space as their top point and one of the faces of the hypercube as its base. These pyramids are subsequently cut into slices that are parallel to their base. Of course, the high-dimensional data is not necessarily uniformly-distributed which has led to other data structures with good performance (e.g., the hybrid tree [17]). Clearly, more work needs to be done in this area.


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