Multidimensional Spatial Data Structures:Introduction and Point Data


The representation of multidimensional data is an important issue in applications in di- verse fields that include database management systems (Chapter 60), computer graphics (Chapter 54), computer vision, computational geometry (Chapters 62, 63 and 64), image processing (Chapter 57), geographic information systems (GIS) (Chapter 55), pattern recognition, VLSI design (Chapter 52), and others. The most common definition of multidimensional data is a collection of points in a higher dimensional space. These points can represent locations and objects in space as well as more general records where only some, or even none, of the attributes are locational. As an example of non locational point data, consider an employee record which has attributes corresponding to the employee’s name, address, sex, age, height, weight, and social security number. Such records arise in database management systems and can be treated as points in, for this example, a seven-dimensional space (i.e., there is one dimension for each attribute) albeit the different dimensions have different type units (i.e., name and address are strings of characters, sex is binary; while age, height, weight, and social security number are numbers).

When multidimensional data corresponds to locational data, we have the additional prop- erty that all of the attributes have the same unit which is distance in space. In this case, we can combine the distance-denominated attributes and pose queries that involve proximity. For example, we may wish to find the closest city to Chicago within the two-dimensional space from which the locations of the cities are drawn. Another query seeks to find all cities within 50 miles of Chicago. In contrast, such queries are not very meaningful when the attributes do not have the same type.

When multidimensional data spans a continuous physical space (i.e., an infinite collection of locations), the issues become more interesting. In particular, we are no longer just interested in the locations of objects, but, in addition, we are also interested in the space that they occupy (i.e., their extent). Some example objects include lines (e.g., roads, rivers), regions (e.g., lakes, counties, buildings, crop maps, polygons, polyhedra), rectangles, and surfaces. The objects may be disjoint or could even overlap. One way to deal with such data is to store it explicitly by parameterizing it and thereby reduce it to a point in a higher dimensional space. For example, a line in two-dimensional space can be represented by the coordinate values of its endpoints (i.e., a pair of x and a pair of y coordinate values) and then stored as a point in a four-dimensional space (e.g., [33]). Thus, in effect, we have constructed a transformation (i.e., mapping) from a two-dimensional space (i.e., the space from which the lines are drawn) to a four-dimensional space (i.e., the space containing the representative point corresponding to the line).

The transformation approach is fine if we are just interested in retrieving the data. It is appropriate for queries about the objects (e.g., determining all lines that pass through a given point or that share an endpoint, etc.) and the immediate space that they occupy. However, the drawback of the transformation approach is that it ignores the geometry inherent in the data (e.g., the fact that a line passes through a particular region) and its relationship to the space in which it is embedded.

For example, suppose that we want to detect if two lines are near each other, or, alternatively, to find the nearest line to a given line. This is difficult to do in the four-dimensional space, regardless of how the data in it is organized, since proximity in the two-dimensional space from which the lines are drawn is not necessarily preserved in the four-dimensional space. In other words, although the two lines may be very close to each other, the Euclidean distance between their representative points may be quite large, unless the lines are approximately the same size, in which case proximity is preserved (e.g., [69]).

Of course, we could overcome these problems by projecting the lines back to the original space from which they were drawn, but in such a case, we may ask what was the point of using the transformation in the first place? In other words, at the least, the representation that we choose for the data should allow us to perform operations on the data. Thus when the multidimensional spatial data is nondiscrete, we need representations besides those that are designed for point data. The most common solution, and the one that we focus on in the rest of this chapter, is to us data structures that are based on spatial occupancy.

Such methods decompose the space from which the spatial data is drawn (e.g., the two- dimensional space containing the lines) into regions that are often called buckets because they often contain more than just one element. They are also commonly known as bucketing methods.

In this chapter, we explore a number of different representations of multidimensional data bearing the above issues in mind. While we cannot give exhaustive details of all of the data structures, we try to explain the intuition behind their development as well as to give literature pointers to where more information can be found. Many of these representations are described in greater detail in [60, 62, 63] including an extensive bibliography. Our approach is primarily a descriptive one. Most of our examples are of two-dimensional spatial data although the representations are applicable to higher dimensional spaces as well.

At times, we discuss bounds on execution time and space requirements. Nevertheless, this information is presented in an inconsistent manner. The problem is that such analyses are very difficult to perform for many of the data structures that we present. This is especially true for the data structures that are based on spatial occupancy (e.g., quadtree (see Chapter 19 for more details) and R-tree (see Chapter 21 for more details) variants). In particular, such methods have good observable average-case behavior but may have very bad worst cases which may only arise rarely in practice. Their analysis is beyond the scope of this chapter and usually we do not say anything about it. Nevertheless, these representations find frequent use in applications where their behavior is deemed acceptable, and is often found to be better than that of solutions whose theoretical behavior would appear to be superior. The problem is primarily attributed to the presence of large constant factors which are usually ignored in the big O and Ω analyses [46].

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 16.2 reviews a number of representations of point data of arbitrary dimensionality. Section 16.3 describes bucketing methods that organize collections of spatial objects (as well as multidimensional point data) by aggregating the space that they occupy. The remaining sections focus on representations of non-point objects of different types. Section 16.4 covers representations of region data, while Section 16.5 discusses a subcase of region data which consists of collections of rect- angles. Section 16.6 deals with curvilinear data which also includes polygonal subdivisions and collections of line segments. Section 16.7 contains a summary and a brief indication of some research issues.

Point Data

The simplest way to store point data of arbitrary dimension is in a sequential list. Accesses to the list can be sped up by forming sorted lists for the various attributes which are known as inverted lists (e.g., [45]). There is one list for each attribute. This enables pruning the search with respect to the value of one of the attributes. It should be clear that the inverted list is not particularly useful for multidimensional range searches. The problem is that it can only speed up the search for one of the attributes (termed the primary attribute). A widely used solution is exemplified by the fixed-grid method [10, 45]. It partitions the space from which the data is drawn into rectangular cells by overlaying it with a grid. Each grid cell c contains a pointer to another structure (e.g., a list) which contains the set of points that lie in c. Associated with the grid is an access structure to enable the determination of the grid cell associated with a particular point p. This access structure acts like a directory and is usually in the form of a d-dimensional array with one entry per grid cell or a tree with one leaf node per grid cell.

There are two ways to build a fixed grid. We can either subdivide the space into equal- sized intervals along each of the attributes (resulting in congruent grid cells) or place the subdivision lines at arbitrary positions that are dependent on the underlying data. In essence, the distinction is between organizing the data to be stored and organizing the embedding space from which the data is drawn [55]. In particular, when the grid cells are congruent (i.e., equal-sized when all of the attributes are locational with the same range and termed a uniform grid), use of an array access structure is quite simple and has the desirable property that the grid cell associated with point p can be determined in constant time. Moreover, in this case, if the width of each grid cell is twice the search radius for a rectangular range query, then the average search time is O(F · 2d) where F is the number of points that have been found [12]. Figure 16.1 is an example of a uniform-grid representation for a search radius equal to 10 (i.e., a square of size 20 × 20).

Use of an array access structure when the grid cells are not congruent requires us to have a way of keeping track of their size so that we can determine the entry of the array access structure corresponding to the grid cell associated with point p. One way to do this is to make use of what are termed linear scales which indicate the positions of the grid lines (or partitioning hyperplanes in d> 2 dimensions). Given a point p, we determine the grid cell in which p lies by finding the “coordinate values” of the appropriate grid cell. The linear


scales are usually implemented as one-dimensional trees containing ranges of values.

The array access structure is fine as long as the data is static. When the data is dynamic, it is likely that some of the grid cells become too full while other grid cells are empty. This means that we need to rebuild the grid (i.e., further partition the grid or reposition the grid partition lines or hyper planes) so that the various grid cells are not too full. However, this creates many more empty grid cells as a result of repartitioning the grid (i.e., empty grid cells are split into more empty grid cells). The number of empty grid cells can be reduced by merging spatially-adjacent empty grid cells into larger empty grid cells, while splitting grid cells that are too full, thereby making the grid adaptive. The result is that we can no longer make use of an array access structure to retrieve the grid cell that contains query point p. Instead, we make use of a tree access structure in the form of a k-ary tree where k is usually 2d. Thus what we have done is marry a k-ary tree with the fixed-grid method. This is the basis of the point quad tree [22] and the PR quad tree [56, 63] which are multidimensional generalizations of binary trees.

The difference between the point quad tree and the PR quad tree is the same as the difference between trees and tries [25], respectively. The binary search tree [45] is an example of the former since the boundaries of different regions in the search space are determined by the data being stored. Address computation methods such as radix searching [45] (also known as digital searching) are examples of the latter, since region boundaries are chosen from among locations that are fixed regardless of the content of the data set. The process is usually a recursive halving process in one dimension, recursive quartering in two dimensions, etc., and is known as regular decomposition.

In two dimensions, a point quad tree is just a two-dimensional binary search tree. The first point that is inserted serves as the root, while the second point is inserted into the relevant quadrant of the tree rooted at the first point. Clearly, the shape of the tree depends on the order in which the points were inserted. For example, Figure 16.2 is the point quad tree corresponding to the data of Figure 16.1 inserted in the order Chicago, Mobile, Toronto, Buffalo, Memphis, Omaha, Atlanta, and Miami.


In two dimensions, the PR quad tree is based on a recursive decomposition of the underlying space into four congruent (usually square in the case of locational attributes) cells until

each cell contains no more than one point.

For example, Figure 16.3a is the partition of the underlying space induced by the PR quadtree corresponding to the data of Figure 16.1, while Figure 16.3b is its tree representation. The shape of the PR quadtree is independent of the order in which data points are inserted into it. The disadvantage of the PR quadtree is that the maximum level of decomposition depends on the minimum separation between two points. In particular, if two points are very close, then the decomposition can be very deep. This can be overcome by viewing the cells or nodes as buckets with capacity c and only decomposing a cell when it contains more than c points.

As the dimensionality of the space increases, each level of decomposition of the quad tree results in many new cells as the fan out value of the tree is high (i.e., 2d). This is alleviated by making use of a k-d tree [8]. The k-d tree is a binary tree where at each level of the tree, we subdivide along a different attribute so that, assuming d locational attributes, if the first split is along the x axis, then after d levels, we cycle back and again split along the x axis. It is applicable to both the point quad tree and the PR quad tree (in which case we have a PR k-d tree, or a bintree in the case of region data).

At times, in the dynamic situation, the data volume becomes so large that a tree access structure such as the one used in the point and PR quad trees is inefficient. In particular, the grid cells can become so numerous that they cannot all fit into memory thereby causing them to be grouped into sets (termed buckets) corresponding to physical storage units (i.e., pages) in secondary storage. The problem is that, depending on the implementation of the tree access structure, each time we must follow a pointer, we may need to make a disk access. Below, we discuss two possible solutions: one making use of an array access structure and one making use of an alternative tree access structure with a much larger fanout. We assume that the original decomposition process is such that the data is only associated with the leaf nodes of the original tree structure.

The difference from the array access structure used with the static fixed-grid method


FIGURE 16.3: A PR quadtree and the points it represents corresponding to Figure 16.1:  (a) the resulting partition of space, (b) the tree representation, and (c) one possible B+-tree for the nonempty leaf grid cells where each node has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 entries. The nonempty grid cells in (a) have been labeled with the name of the B+-tree leaf node in which they are a member.

described earlier is that the array access structure (termed grid directory) may be so large (e.g., when d gets large) that it resides on disk as well, and the fact that the structure of the grid directory can change as the data volume grows or contracts. Each grid cell (i.e., an element of the grid directory) stores the address of a bucket (i.e., page) that contains the points associated with the grid cell. Notice that a bucket can correspond to more than one grid cell. Thus any page can be accessed by two disk operations: one to access the grid cell and one more to access the actual bucket.

This results in EXCELL [71] when the grid cells are congruent (i.e., equal-sized for locational data), and grid file [55] when the grid cells need not be congruent. The difference between these methods is most evident when a grid partition is necessary (i.e., when a bucket becomes too full and the bucket is not shared among several grid cells). In particular, a grid partition in the grid file only splits one interval in two thereby resulting in the insertion of a (d − 1)-dimensional cross-section. On the other hand, a grid partition in EXCELL means that all intervals must be split in two thereby doubling the size of the grid directory.

An alternative to the array access structure is to assign an ordering to the grid cells resulting from the adaptive grid, and then to impose a tree access structure on the elements of the ordering that correspond to the nonempty grid cells. The ordering is analogous to using a mapping from d dimensions to one dimension. There are many possible orderings (e.g., Chapter 2 in [60]) with the most popular shown in Figure 16.4.

The domain of these mappings is the set of locations of the smallest possible grid cells (termed pixels) in the underlying space and thus we need to use some easily identifiable pixel in each grid cell such as the one in the grid cell’s lower-left corner. Of course, we


FIGURE 16.4: The result of applying four common different space-ordering methods to an 8×8 collection of pixels whose first element is in the upper-left corner: (a) row order, (b) row-prime order, (c) Morton order, (d) Peano-Hilbert.

also need to know the size of each grid cell. One mapping simply concatenates the result of interleaving the binary representations of the coordinate values of the lower-left corner (e.g., (a, b) in two dimensions) and i of each grid cell of size 2i so that i is at the right. The resulting number is termed a locational code and is a variant of the Morton ordering (Figure 16.4c). Assuming such a mapping and sorting the locational codes in increasing order yields an ordering equivalent to that which would be obtained by traversing the leaf nodes (i.e., grid cells) of the tree representation (e.g., Figure 16.8b) in the order SW, SE, NW, NE. The Morton ordering (as well as the Peano-Hilbert ordering shown in Figure 16.4d) is particularly attractive for quadtree-like decompositions because all pixels within a grid cell appear in consecutive positions in the ordering. Alternatively, these two orders exhaust a grid cell before exiting it.

For example, Figure 16.3c shows the result of imposing a B+-tree [18] access structure on the leaf grid cells of the PR quad tree given in Figure 16.3b. Each node of the B+-tree in our example has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 entries. Figure 16.3c does not contain the values resulting from applying the mapping to the individual grid cells nor does it show the discriminator values that are stored in the nonleaf nodes of the B+-tree. The leaf grid cells of the PR quadtree in Figure 16.3a are marked with the label of the leaf node of the B+-tree of which they are a member (e.g., the grid cell containing Chicago is in leaf node Q of the B+-tree).

It is important to observe that the above combination of the PR quadtree and the B+-tree has the property that the tree structure of the partition process of the underlying space has been decoupled [61] from that of the node hierarchy (i.e., the grouping process of the nodes resulting from the partition process) that makes up the original tree directory. More precisely, the grouping process is based on proximity in the ordering of the locational codes

and on the minimum and maximum capacity of the nodes of the B+-tree. Unfortunately, the resulting structure has the property that the space that is spanned by a leaf node of the B+-tree (i.e., the grid cells spanned by it) has an arbitrary shape and, in fact, does not usually correspond to a k-dimensional hyper-rectangle. In particular, the space spanned by the leaf node may have the shape of a staircase (e.g., the leaf grid cells in Figure 16.3a that comprise leaf nodes S and T of the B+-tree in Figure 16.3c) or may not even be connected in the sense that it corresponds to regions that are not contiguous (e.g., the leaf grid cells in Figure 16.3a that comprise leaf node R of the B+-tree in Figure 16.3c). The PK-tree [73] is an alternative decoupling method which overcomes these drawbacks by basing the grouping process on k-instantiation which stipulates that each node of the grouping process contains a minimum of k objects or grid cells. The result is that all of the grid cells of the grouping process are congruent at the cost that the result is not balanced although use of relatively large values of k ensures that the resulting trees are relatively shallow. It can be shown that when the partition process has a fanout of f , then k-instantiation means that the number of objects in each node of the grouping process is bounded by f · (k − 1). Note that k-instantiation is different from bucketing where we only have an upper bound on the number of objects in the node.

Fixed-grids, quad trees, k-d trees, indexkd tree grid file, EXCELL, as well as other hierarchical representations are good for range searching queries such as finding all cities within 80 miles of St. Louis. In particular, they act as pruning devices on the amount of search that will be performed as many points will not be examined since their containing cells lie outside the query range. These representations are generally very easy to implement and have good expected execution times, although they are quite difficult to analyze from a mathematical standpoint. However, their worst cases, despite being rare, can be quite bad. These worst cases can be avoided by making use of variants of range trees [11] and priority search trees [51]. For more details about these data structures, see Chapter 18.


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