Collision Detection:Introduction and Convex Polytopes


In a geometric context, collision detection refers to checking the relative configuration of two or more objects. The goal of collision detection, also known as interference detection or contact determination, is to automatically report a geometric contact when it is about to occur or has actually occurred. The objects may be represented as polygonal objects, spline or algebraic surfaces, deformable models, etc. Moreover, the objects may be static or dynamic.

Collision detection is a fundamental problem in computational geometry and frequently arises in different applications. These include:

1. Physically-based Modeling and Dynamic Simulation: The goal is to simulate dynamical systems and the physical behavior of objects subject to dynamic constraints. The mathematical model of the system is specified using geometric representations of the objects and the differential equations that govern the dynamics. The objects may undergo rigid or non-rigid motion. The contact in- teractions and trajectories of the objects are affected by collisions. It is important to model object interactions precisely and compute all the contacts accurately [1].

2. Motion Planning: The goal of motion planning is to compute a collision free path for a robot from a start configuration to a goal configuration. Motion planning is a fundamental problem in algorithmic robotics [2]. Most of the practical algorithms for motion planning compute different configurations of the robot and check whether these configurations are collision-free, i.e. no collision between the robot and the objects in the environment. For example, probabilistic roadmap planners can spend up to 90% of the running time in collision checking.

3. Virtual Environments and Walkthroughs: A large-scale virtual environment, like a walkthrough, creates a computer-generated world, filled with real, simulated or virtual entities. Such an environment should give the user a feeling of presence, which includes making the images of both the user and the surrounding objects feel solid. For example, the objects should not pass through each other, and things should move as expected when pushed, pulled or grasped. Such actions require accurate and interactive collision detection. Moreover, runtime performance is critical in a virtual environment and all collision computations need to be performed at less than 1/30th of a second to give a sense of presence [3].

4. Haptic Rendering: Haptic interfaces, or force feedback devices, improve the quality of human-computer interaction by accommodating the sense of touch. In order to maintain a stable haptic system while displaying smooth and realistic forces and torques, haptic update rates must be as high as 1000 Hz. This involves accurately computing all contacts between the object attached to the probe and the simulated environment, as well as the restoring forces and torques – all in less than one millisecond [4].

In each of these applications, collision detection is one of the major computational bottle- necks.

Collision detection has been extensively studied in the literature for more than four decades. Hundreds of papers have been published on different aspects in computational geometry and related areas like robotics, computer graphics, virtual environments and computer-aided design. Most of the algorithms are designed to check whether a pair of objects collide. Some algorithms have been proposed for large environments composed of multiple objects and perform some form of culling or localize pairs of objects that are potentially colliding. At a broad level, different algorithms for collision detection can be classified based on the following characteristics:

Query Type: The basic collision query checks whether two objects, described as set of points, polygons or other geometric primitives, overlap. This is the boolean form of the query. The enumerative version of the query yields some representations of the intersection set. Other queries compute the separation distance between two non-overlapping objects or the penetration distance between two overlapping objects.

Object Types: Different algorithms have been proposed for convex polytopes, general polygonal models, curved objects described using parametric splines or implicit functions, set-theoretic combinations of objects, deformable models, etc.

Motion Formulation: The collision query can be augmented by adding the element of time. If the trajectories of two objects are known, then we can determine when is the next time that a particular boolean query will become true or false. These queries are called dynamic queries, whereas the ones that do not use motion information are called static queries. In the case where the motion of an object can not be represented as a closed form function of time, the underlying application often performs static queries at specific time steps in the application.

In this chapter, we give a brief survey of different collision detection algorithms for convex polytopes, general polygonal models, penetration computations and large-scaled environments composed of multiple objects. In each category, we give a detailed description of one of the algorithms and the underlying data structures.

Convex Polytopes

In this section, we give a brief survey of algorithms for collision detection between a pair of convex polytopes. This problem has been extensively studied and a number of algorithms with good asymptotic performance have been proposed. The best known runtime algorithm for boolean collision queries takes O(log2n) time, where n is the number of features [5]. It precomputes the Dobkin-Kirkpatrick hierarchy for each polytope and uses it to perform the runtime query. In practice, three classes of algorithms are commonly used for convex polytopes. These are linear programming, Minkowski sums, and tracking closest features based on Voronoi diagrams.

Linear Programming

The problem of checking whether two convex polytopes intersect or not can be posed as a linear programming (LP) problem. In particular, two convex polytopes do not overlap, if and only if there exists a separation plane between them. The coefficients of the separation plane equation are treated as unknowns. The linear constraints are formulated by imposing that all the vertices of the first polytope lie in one half-space of this plane and those of the other polytope lie in the other half-space. The linear programming algorithms are used to check whether there is any feasible solution to the given set of constraints. Given the fixed dimension of the problem, some of the well-known linear programming algorithms [6] can be used to perform the boolean collision query in expected linear time.

Voronoi-Based Marching Algorithm

An expected constant time algorithm for collision detection was proposed by Lin and Canny [7, 8]. This algorithm tracks the closest features between two convex polytopes. The features may correspond to a vertex, an edge or a face of each polytope. Variants of this algorithm have also been presented in [9, 10]. The original algorithm basically works by traversing the external Voronoi regions induced by the features of each convex polyhedron toward the pair of the closest features between the two given polytopes. The invariant is that at each step, either the inter-feature distance is reduced or the dimensionality of one or both of the features decreases by one, i.e. a move from a face to an edge or from an edge to a vertex.

The algorithm terminates when the pair of testing features contain a pair of points that lie within the Voronoi regions of the other feature. It returns the pair of closest features and the Euclidean distance between them, as well as the contact status (i.e. colliding or not). This algorithm uses a modified boundary representation to represent convex polytopes and a data structure for describing “Voronoi regions” of convex polytopes.

Polytope Representation

Let A be a polytope. A is partitioned into “features” f1,..., fn where n is the total number of features, i.e. n = f + e + v where f, e, v stands for the total number of faces, edges, vertices respectively. Each feature (except vertex) is an open subset of an affine plane and does not contain its boundary.

clip_image003Definition: B is in the boundary of F and F is in coboundary of B, if and only if B is in the closure of F , i.e. B F and B has one fewer dimension than F does.

For example, the coboundary of a vertex is the set of edges touching it and the coboundary of an edge are the two faces adjacent to it. The boundary of a face is the set of edges in the closure of the face. It uses winged edge representation, commonly used for boundary evaluation of boolean combinations of solid models [11]. The edge is oriented by giving two incident vertices (the head and tail). The edge points from tail to head. It has two adjacent faces cobounding it as well. Looking from the the tail end toward the head, the adjacent face lying to the right hand side is labeled as the “right face” and similarly for the “left face”.

Each polytope’s data structure has a field for its features (faces, edges, vertices) and Voronoi cells to be described below. Each feature is described by its geometric parameters. Its data structure also includes a list of its boundary, coboundary, and Voronoi regions.

Definition: A Voronoi region associated with a feature is a set of points exterior to the polyhedron which are closer to that feature than any other. The Voronoi regions form a partition of space outside the polyhedron according to the closest feature. The collection of Voronoi regions of each polyhedron is the generalized Voronoi diagram of the polyhedron. Note that the Voronoi diagram of a convex polyhedron has linear size and consists of polyhedral regions.

Definition: A Voronoi cell is the data structure for a Voronoi region. It has a set of constraint planes that bound its Voronoi region with pointers to the neighboring cells (each of which shares a common constraint plane with the given Voronoi cell) in its data structure.

Using the geometric properties of convex sets, “applicability criteria” are established based upon the Voronoi regions. That is, if a point P on object A lies inside the Voronoi region of fB on object B, then fB is a closest feature to the point P . If a point lies on

a constraint plane, then it is equi-distant from the two features that share this constraint plane in their Voronoi cells.

Local Walk

The algorithm incrementally traverses the features of each polytope to compute the closest features . For example, given a pair of features, Face 1 and vertex Va on objects A and B,

respectively, as the pair of initial features (Fig. 56.2.2). The algorithm verifies if the vertex Va lies within Cell 1 of Face 1. However, Va violates the constraint plane imposed by CP of Cell 1, i.e. Va does not line in the half-space defined by CP which contains Cell 1 . The constraint plane CP has a pointer to its adjacent cell Cell 2, so the walk proceeds to test whether Va is contained within Cell 2 . In similar fashion, vertex Va has a cell of its own, and the algorithm checks whether the nearest point Pa on the edge to the vertex Va lies within Va ’s Voronoi cell. Basically, the algorithm checks whether a point is contained within a Voronoi region defined by the constraint planes of the region. The constraint plane, which causes this test to fail, points to the next pair of closest features. Eventually, the algorithm computes the closest pair of features.

Since the polytopes and its faces are convex, the containment test involves only the neighboring features of the current candidate features. If either feature fails the test, the algorithm steps to a neighboring feature of one or both candidates, and tries again. With some simple preprocessing, the algorithm can guarantee that every feature of a polytope has a constant number of neighboring features. As a result, it takes a constant number of operations to check whether two features are the closest features.


This approach can be used in a static environment, but is especially well-suited for dynamic environments in which objects move in a sequence of small, discrete steps. The method takes advantage of coherence within two successive static queries: i.e. the clos- est features change infrequently as the polytopes move along finely discretized paths. The closest features computed from the previous positions of the polytopes are used as the initial features for the current positions. The algorithm runs in expected constant time if the polytopes are not moving quickly. Even when a closest feature pair is changing rapidly, the algorithm takes only slightly longer. The running time is proportional to the number of feature pairs traversed, which is a function of the relative motion the polytopes undergo.

Implementation and Application

The Lin-Canny algorithm has been implemented as part of several public-domain libraries, include I-COLLIDE and SWIFT [12]. It has been used for different applications including dynamic simulation [13], interactive walkthrough of architectural models [3] and haptic display (including force and torque computation) of polyhedral models [14].

Minkowski Sums and Convex Optimization

The collision and distance queries can be performed based on the Minkowski sum of two objects. Given two sets of points, P and Q, their Minkowski sum is the set of points:

{p + q | p P, q Q.}

It has been shown in [15], that the minimum separation distance between two objects is the same as the minimum distance from the origin of the Minkowski sums of A and B to the surface of the sums. The Minkowski sum is also referred to as the translational C-space obstacle (TCSO) If we take the TCSO of two convex polyhedra, A and B, then the TCSO is another convex polyhedra, and each vertex of the TCSO correspond to the vector difference of a vertex from A and a vertex from B. While the Minkowski sum of two convex polytopes can have O(n2) features [16], a fast algorithm for separation distance computation based on convex optimization that exhibits linear-time performance in practice has been proposed by Gilbert et al. [17]. It is also known as the GJK algorithm. It uses pairs of vertices from each object that define simplices (i.e. a point, bounded line, triangle or tetrahedron) within each polyhedra and a corresponding simplex in the TCSO. Initially the simplex is set randomly and the algorithm refines it using local optimization, till it computes the closest point on the TCSO from the origin of the Minkowski sums. The algorithm assumes that the origin is not inside the TCSO.

By taking the similar philosophy as the Lin-Canny algorithm [8], Cameron [18] presented an extension to the basic GJK algorithm by exploiting motion coherence and geometric locality in terms of connectivity between neighboring features. It keeps track of the witness points, a pair of points from the two objects that realize the minimum separation distance between them. As opposed to starting from a random simplex in the TCSO, the algorithm starts with the witness points from the previous iteration and performs hill climbing to compute a new set of witness points for the current configuration. The running time of this algorithm is a function of the number of refinement steps that the algorithm has to perform.


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