Image Data Structures:Quadtrees


Considerable research on quadtrees has produced several interesting results in different areas of image processing. The basic relationship between a region and its quadtree representation is presented in [6]. In 1981, Jones and Iyengar [8] proposed methods for refining quadtrees. The new refinements were called virtual quadtrees, which include compact quadtrees and forests of quadtrees. We will discuss virtual quadtrees in a later section of this chapter. Much work has been done on the quadtree properties and algorithms for manipulations and translations have been developed by Samet [16], [19], Dyer [2] and others [6], [9], [11].

What is a Quadtree?

A quadtree is a class of hierarchical data structures used for image representation. The fundamental principle of quadtrees is based on successive regular decomposition of the image data until each part contains data that is sufficiently simple so that it can be represented by some other simpler data structure. A quadtree is formed by dividing an image into four quadrants, each quadrant may further be divided into four sub quadrants and so on until the whole image has been broken down to small sections of uniform color.

In a quadtree the root represents the whole image and the non-root nodes represent sub quadrants of the image. Each node of the quadtree represents a distinct section of the image; no two nodes can represent the same part of the image. In other words, the sub quadrants of the image do not overlap. The node without any child is called a leaf node and it represents a region with uniform color. Each non-leaf node in the tree has four children, each of which represents one of the four sub regions, referred to as NW, NE, SW, and SE, that the region represented by the parent node is divided into.

The leaf node of a quadtree has the color of the pixel (black or white) it is representing.

The nodes with uniform colored children have the color of their children and all their child nodes are removed from the tree. All the other nodes with non-uniform colored children have the gray color. Figure 57.3 shows the concept of quadtrees.

The image can be retrieved from the quadtree by using a recursive procedure that visits each leaf node of the tree and displays its color at an appropriate position. The procedure starts with visiting the root node. In general, if the visited node is not a leaf then the procedure is recursively called for each child of the node, in order from left to right.

The main advantage of the quadtree data structure is that images can be compactly represented by it. The data structure combines data having similar values and hence reduces storage size. An image having large areas of uniform color will have very small storage size.

The quadtree can be used to compress bitmap images, by dividing the image until each section has the same color. It can also be used to quickly locate any object of interest.

The drawback of the quadtree is that it can have totally different representation for images that differ only in rotation or translation. Though the quadtree has better storage efficiency compared to other data structures such as the array, it also has considerable storage overheads. For a given image it stores many white leaf nodes and intermediate gray nodes, which are not required information.

Variants of Quadtrees

The numerous quadtree variants that have been developed so far can be differentiated by the type of data they are designed to represent [15]. The many variants of the quadtree include region quadtrees, point quadtrees, line quadtrees, and edge quadtrees. Region quadtrees are meant for representing regions in images, while point quadtrees, edge quadtrees, and line quadtrees are used to represent point features, edge features, and line features, respectively. Thus there is no single quadtree data structure which is capable of representing a mixture of features of images like regions and lines.

Region quadtrees

In the region quadtree, a region in a binary image is a subimage that contains either all 1’s or all 0’s. If the given region does not consist entirely of 1’s or 0’s, then the region is divided into four quadrants. This process is continued until each divided section consists entirely of 1’s or 0’s; such regions are called final regions. The final regions (either black or white) are represented by leaf nodes. The intermediate nodes are called gray nodes. A region quadtree


is space efficient for images containing square-like regions. It is very inefficient for regions that are elongated or for representing line features.

Line quadtrees

The line quadtree proposed by Samet [21] is used for representing the boundaries of a region. The given region is represented as in the region quadtree with additional information associated with nodes representing the boundary of the region. The data structure is used for representing curves that are closed. The boundary following algorithm using the line quadtree data structure is at least twice as good as the one using the region quadtree in terms of execution time; the map superposition algorithm has execution time proportional to number of nodes in the line quadtree [15]. The main disadvantage of the line quadtree is that it cannot represent independent linear features.

Edge quadtrees

Shneier [23] formulated the edge quadtree data structure for storing linear features. The main principle used in the data structure is to approximate the curve being represented by a number of straight line segments. The edge quadtree is constructed using a recursive procedure. If the sub quadrant represented by a node does not contain any edge or line, it is not further subdivided and is represented by a leaf. If it does contain one then an approximate equation is fitted to the line. The error caused by approximation is calculated using a measure such as least squares. When the error is less than the predetermined value, the node becomes a leaf; otherwise the region represented by the node is further subdivided. If an edge terminates (within the region represented by) a node then a special flag is set. Each node contains magnitude, direction, intercept, and error information about the edge passing through the node. The main drawback of the edge quadtree is that it cannot efficiently handle two or more intersecting lines.

Template quadtrees

An image can have regions and line features together. The above quadtree representational schemas are not efficient for representing such an image in one quadtree data structure. The template quadtree is an attempt toward development of such a quadtree data structure. It was proposed by Manohar, Rao, and Iyengar [15] to represent regions and curvilinear data present in images.

A template is a 2k x 2k sub image, which contains either a region of uniform color or  straight run of black pixels in horizontal, vertical, left diagonal, or right diagonal directions spanning the entire sub image. All the possible templates for a 2x2 sub image are shown in Figure 57.4.

A template quadtree can be constructed by comparing a quadrant with any one of the templates, if they match then the quadrant is represented by a node with the information about the type of template it matches. Otherwise the quadrant is further divided into four sub quadrants and each one of them is compared with any of the templates of the next lower size. This process is recursively followed until the entire image is broken down into maximal blocks corresponding to the templates. The template quadtree representation of an image is shown in Figure 57.5.

Here the leaf is defined as a template of variable size, therefore it does not need any approximation for representing curves present in the images. The advantage of template quadtree is that it is very accurate and has the capabilities for representing features like regions and curves. The main drawback is that it needs more space compared to edge quadtrees. For more information on template quadtrees see [15].


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