Drawing Graphs:Convex Drawing

Convex Drawing

A straight-line drawing of a planar graph is convex if all every face is drawn as convex polygon. This section reviews three different algorithms for constructing such a drawing for planar graphs.

(a) Barycenter Algorithm

Tutte showed that a convex drawing exist for triconnected planar graphs and gave an algorithm for constructing such representations [36, 37].

The algorithm divides the vertex set V into two subsets; a set of fixed vertices and a set of free vertices. The fixed vertices are placed at the vertices of a strictly convex polygon. The positions of free vertices are decided by solving a system of O(n) linear equations, where n is the number of vertices of the graph [37]. In fact, solving the equations is equivalent to placing each free vertex at the barycenter of its neighbors. That is, each position p(v) = (x(v), y(v)) of a vertex v is:


An example of a drawing computed by the barycenter algorithm is illustrated in Figure 46.5. Here the black vertices represent fixed vertices.


The main theorem can be described as follows.

THEOREM 46.1 (Tutte [36, 37]) Suppose that f is a face in a planar embedding of a triconnected planar graph G, and P is a strictly convex planar drawing of f . Then the barycenter algorithm with the vertices of f fixed and positioned according to P gives a convex planar drawing of G.

The matrix resulting from the equations can be solved in O(n1.5) time at best, using a sophisticated sparse matrix elimination method [25]. However, in practice a Newton- Raphson iteration of the equation above converges rapidly.

Divide and Conquer Algorithm

Chiba, Yamanouchi and Nishizeki [6] present a linear time algorithm for constructing convex drawings of planar graphs, using divide and conquer. The algorithm constructs a convex drawing of a planar graph, if it is possible, with a given outside face. The drawing algorithm is based on a classical result by Thomassen [35].

The input to their algorithm is a biconnected plane graph with given outside face and a convex polygon. The output of their algorithm is a convex drawing of the biconnected plane graph with outside face drawn as the input convex polygon, if this is possible. The conditions under which such a drawing is possible come from the following theorem [35].

THEOREM 46.2 (Thomassen [35]) Let G be a biconnected plane graph with outside facial cycle S, and let Sbe a drawing of S as a convex polygon. Let P1, P2,..., Pk be the paths in S, each corresponding to a side of S. (Thus Sis a k-gon. It should be noted that not every vertex of the cycle S is necessarily an apex of the polygon S.) Then Scan be  extended to a convex drawing of G if and only if the following three conditions hold.

1. For each vertex v of G V (S) having degree at least three in G, there are three paths disjoint except at v, each joining v and a vertex of S;

2. The graph G V (S) has no connected component C such that all the vertices on

S adjacent to vertices in C lie on a single path Pi; and no two vertices in each Pi are joined by an edge not in S; and

3. Any cycle of G which has no edge in common with S has at least three vertices of degree at least 3 in G.

The basic idea of the algorithm of Chiba et al. [6] is to reduce the convex drawing of G to those of several subgraphs of G as follows:

Algorithm ConvexDraw(G, S, S)

1. Delete from G an arbitrary apex v of Stogether with edges incident to v.

2. Divide the resulting graph Gl = Gv into the biconnected components B1, B2,..., Bp.

3.Determine a convex polygon Sfor the outside facial cycle Si of each Bi so that Bi with Ssatisfies the conditions in Theorem 46.2.

4.Recursively apply the algorithm to each Bi with Sto determine the positions of vertices not in Si.

The main idea of the algorithm is illustrated in Figure 46.6; for more details see [6].

It is easy to show that the algorithm runs in linear time, and its correctness can be established using Theorem 46.2.

THEOREM 46.3 (Chiba, Yamanouchi and Nishizeki [6]) Algorithm Convex Draw constructs a convex planar drawing of a biconnected plane graph with given outside face in linear time, if such a drawing is possible.

Algorithm Using Canonical Ordering

Both the Tutte algorithm and the algorithm of Chiba et al. give poor resolution. Kant [21] gives a linear time algorithm for constructing a planar convex grid drawing of a triconnected

planar graph on a (2n 4) × (n 2) grid, where n is the number of vertices. This guarantees that the vertex resolution of the drawing is Ω(1/n).


Kant’s algorithm is based on a method of de Fraysseix, Pach and Pollack [10] for drawing planar triangulated graphs on a grid of size (2n 4) × (n 2).

The algorithm of de Fraysseix et al. [10] computes a special ordering of vertices called the canonical ordering based on fixed embedding. Then the vertices are added, one by one, in order to construct a straight-line drawing combined with shifting method. Note that the outside face of the drawing is always triangle, as shown in Figure 46.7.


Kant [21] uses a generalization of the canonical ordering called leftmost canonical ordering. The main difference from the algorithm of de Fraysseix et al. [10] is that it gives a convex drawing of triconnected planar graph. The following Theorem summarizes his main result.

THEOREM 46.4 (Kant [21]) There is a linear time algorithm to construct a planar straight-line convex drawing of a triconnected planar graph with n vertices on a (2n 4) × (n 2) grid.

Details of Kant’s algorithm are in [21]. Chrobak and Kant improved the algorithm so that the size of the grid is (n 2) × (n 2) [7].


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