Data Structures in JDSL:Introduction and Design Concepts in JDSL


In the last four decades the role of computers has dramatically changed: once mainly used as number processors to perform fast numerical computations, they have gradually evolved into information processors, used to store, analyze, search, transfer, and update large collections of structured information.

In order for computer programs to perform these tasks effectively, the data they manipulate must be well organized, and the methods for accessing and maintaining those data must be reliable and efficient. In other words, computer programs need advanced data structures and algorithms. Implementing advanced data structures and algorithms, however, is not an easy task and presents some risks:

Complexity Advanced data structures and algorithms are often difficult to understand thoroughly and to implement.

Unreliability Because of their complexity, the implementation of advanced data structures and algorithms is prone to subtle errors in boundary cases, which may require a considerable effort to identify and correct.

Long development time As a consequence, implementing and testing advanced data structures and algorithms is usually a time consuming process.

As a result, programmers tend to ignore advanced data structures and algorithms and to resort to simple ones, which are easier to implement and test but that are usually not as efficient. It is thus clear how the development of complex software applications, in particular their rapid prototyping, can greatly benefit from the availability of libraries of reliable and efficient data structures and algorithms.

Various libraries are available for the C++ programming language. They include the Standard Template Library (STL, see Chapter 42) [9], now part of the C++ standard, the extensive Library of Efficient Data Structures and Algorithms (LEDA, see Chapter 41) [8], and the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) [3].

The situation for the Java programming language is the following: a small library of data structures, usually referred to as Java Collections (JC), is included in the java.util package of the Java 2 Platform.An alternative to the Java Collections are the Java Generic Libraries (JGL) by Recursion Software, Inc.,which are patterned after STL.

Both the Java Collections and JGL provide implementations of basic data structures such as sequences, sets, maps, and dictionaries. JGL also provides a considerable number of generic programming algorithms for transforming, permuting, and filtering data.

None of the above libraries for Java, however, seems to provide a coherent framework, capable of accommodating both elementary and advanced data structures and algorithms, as required in the development of complex software applications. This circumstance motivated the development of the Data Structures Library in Java (JDSL) [10], a collection of Java interfaces and classes implementing fundamental data structures and algorithms, such as:

• sequences and trees;

• priority queues, binary search trees, and hash tables;

• graphs;

• sorting and traversal algorithms;

• topological numbering, shortest path, and minimum spanning tree.

JDSL is suitable for use by researchers, professional programmers, educators, and students. It comes with extensive documentation, including detailed Java doc,an overview, a tutorial

with seven lessons, and several associated research papers. It is available free of charge for noncommercial use at

The development of JDSL began in September 1996 at the Center for Geometric Computing at Brown University and culminated with the release of version 1.0 in 1998. A major part of the project in the first year was the experimentation with different models for data structures and algorithms, and the construction of prototypes. A significant reimplementation, documentation, and testing [1] effort was carried out in 1999 leading to version 2.0, which was officially released in 2000. Starting with version 2.1, released in 2003 under a new license, the source code has been included in the distribution. During its life cycle JDSL 2.0 was downloaded by more than 5,700 users, while JDSL 2.1 has been downloaded by more than 3,500 users as of this writing. During these seven years a total of 25 people§ have been involved, at various levels, in the design and development of the library. JDSL has been used in data structures and algorithms courses worldwide as well as in two data structures and algorithms textbookswritten by the first two authors [6, 7].

In the development of JDSL we tried to learn from other approaches and to progress on them in terms of ease of use and modern design. The library was designed with the following goals in mind:

Functionality The library should provide a significant collection of existing data structures and algorithms.

Reliability Data structures and algorithms should be correctly implemented, with particular attention to boundary cases and degeneracies. All input data should be validated and, where necessary, rejected by means of exceptions.

Efficiency The implementations of the data structures and algorithms should match their theoretical asymptotic time and space complexity; constant factors, however, should also be considered when evaluating efficiency.

Flexibility Multiple implementations of data structures and algorithms should be pro- vided, so that the user can experiment and choose the most appropriate implementation, in terms of time or space complexity, for the application at hand. It should also be possible for the user to easily extend the library with additional data structures and algorithms, potentially based on the existing ones.

Observe that there exist some trade-offs between these design goals, e.g., between efficiency and reliability, or between efficiency and flexibility.

In JDSL each data structure is specified by an interface and each algorithm uses data structures only via the interface methods. Actual classes need only be specified when objects are instantiated. Programming through interfaces, rather than through actual classes, creates more general code. It allows different implementations of the same interface to be used interchangeably, without having to modify the algorithm code.

A comparison of the key features of the Java Collections, JGL, and JDSL is shown in Table 43.1. The main advantages of JDSL are the definition of a large set of data structure APIs (including binary tree, general tree, priority queue and graph) in terms of Java interfaces, the availability of reliable and efficient implementations of those APIs, and the presence of some fundamental graph algorithms. Note, in particular, that the Java Collections do not include trees, priority queues and graphs, and provide only sorting algorithms.


A good library of data structures and algorithms should be able to integrate smoothly with other existing libraries. In particular, we have pursued compatibility with the Java Collections. JDSL supplements the Java Collections and is not meant to replace them. No conflicts arise when using data structures from JDSL and from the Java Collections in the same program. To facilitate the use of JDSL data structures in existing programs, adapter classes are provided to translate a Java Collections data structure into a JDSL one and vice versa, whenever such a translation is applicable.

Design Concepts in JDSL

In this section we examine some data organization concepts and algorithmic patterns that are particularly important in the design of JDSL.

Containers and Accessors

In JDSL each data structure is viewed as a container, i.e., an organized collection of objects, called the elements of the container. An element can be stored in many containers at the same time and multiple times in the same container. JDSL containers can store heterogeneous elements, i.e., instances of different classes.II JDSL provides two general and implementation-independent ways to access (but not modify) the elements stored in a container: individually, by means of accessors, and glob- ally, by means of iterators (see Section 43.2.2).

An accessor [5] abstracts the notion of membership of an element into a container, hiding the details of the implementation. It provides constant-time access to an element stored in a container, independently from its implementation. Every time an element is inserted in a container, an accessor associated with it is returned. Most operations on JDSL containers take one or more accessors as their operands.


We distinguish between two kinds of containers and, accordingly, of accessors (see Figure 43.1 for a diagram of the accessor interface hierarchy):

Positional containers Typical examples are sequences, trees, and graphs. In a positional container, some topological relation is established among the “placeholders” that store the elements, such as the predecessor-successor relation in a sequence, the parent-child relation in a tree, and the incidence relation in a graph. It is the user who decides, when inserting an element in the container, what the relationship is between the new “placeholder” and the existing ones (in a sequence, for instance, the user may decide to insert an element before a given “placeholder”). A positional container does not change its topology, unless the user requests a change specifically. The implementation of these containers usually involves linked structures or arrays.

Positions The concept of position is an abstraction of the various types of “place- holders” in the implementation of a positional container (typically the nodes of a linked structure or the cells of an array). Each position stores an element. Position implementations may store the following additional information:

• the adjacent positions (e.g., the previous and next positions in a sequence, the right and left child and the parent in a binary tree, the list of incident edges in a graph);

• consistency information (e.g., what container the position is in, the number of children in a tree).

A position can be directly queried for its element through method element(), which hides the details of where the element is actually stored, be it an instance variable or an array cell. Through the positional container, instead, it is possible to replace the element of a position or to swap the elements between two positions. Note that, as an element moves about in its container, or even from container to container, its position changes. Positions are similar to the concept of items used in LEDA [8].

Key-based containers Typical examples are dictionaries and priority queues. Every element stored in a key-based container has a key associated with it. Keys are used as an indexing mechanism for their associated elements. Typically, a key-based container is internally implemented using a positional container; for example, a possible implementation of a priority queue uses a binary tree (a heap). The details of the internal representation, however, are completely hidden to the user. Thus, the user has no control over the organization of the positions that store the key/element pairs. It is the key-based container itself that modifies its internal representation based on the keys of the key/element pairs inserted or removed.

Locators The key/element pairs stored in a key-based container may change their positions in the underlying positional container, due to some internal restructuring, say, after the insertion of a new key/element pair. For example, in the binary tree implementation of a priority queue, the key/element pairs move around the tree to preserve the top-down ordering of the keys, and thus their positions change. Hence, a different, more abstract type of accessor, called locator, is provided to access a key/element pair stored in a key-based container. Locators hide the complications of dynamically maintaining the implementation-dependent binding between the key/element pairs and their positions in the underlying positional container.

A locator can be directly queried for its key and element, and through the key based container it is possible to replace the key and the element of a locator. An example of using locators is given in Section 43.4.


While accessors allow users to access single elements or key/element pairs in a container, iterators provide a simple mechanism for iteratively listing through a collection of objects. JDSL provides various iterators over the elements, the keys (where present), and the positions or the locators of a container (see Figure 43.2 for a diagram of the iterator interface hierarchy). They are similar to the iterators provided by the Java Collections.


All JDSL containers provide methods that return iterators over the entire container (e.g., all the positions of a tree or all the locators of a dictionary). In addition, some methods return iterators over portions of the container (e.g., the children of a position of a tree or the locators with a given key in a dictionary). JDSL iterators can be traversed only forward; however, they can be reset to start a new traversal.

For simplicity reasons iterators in JDSL have snapshot semantics: they refer to the state of the container at the time the iterator was created, regardless of the possible subsequent modifications of the container. For example, if an iterator is created over all the positions of a tree and then a subtree is cut off, the iterator will still include the positions of the removed subtree.


Another feature of JDSL is the possibility to “decorate” individual positions of a positional container with attributes, i.e., with arbitrary objects. This mechanism is more convenient and flexible than either subclassing the position class to add new instance variables or creating global hash tables to store the attributes. Decorations are useful for storing temporary or permanent results of the execution of an algorithm. For example, in a depth-first search (DFS) traversal of a graph, we can use decorations to (temporarily) mark the vertices being visited and to (permanently) store the computed DFS number of each vertex. An example of using decorations is given in Section 43.4.


When using a key-based container, the user should be able to specify the comparison relation to be used with the keys. In general, this relation depends on the type of the keys and on the specific application for which the key-based container is used: keys of the same type may be compared differently in different applications. One way to fulfill this requirement is to specify the comparison relation through a comparator object, which is passed to the key-based container constructor and is then used by the key-based container every time two keys need to be compared.


Three comparator interfaces are defined in JDSL (see Figure 43.3 for a diagram of the comparators interface hierarchy). The concept of comparator is present also in the java.util package of the Java 2 Platform, where a Comparator interface is defined.


JDSL views algorithms as objects that receive the input data as arguments of their execute(.) method, and provide access to the output during or after the execution via additional meth- ods. Most algorithms in JDSL are implemented following the template method pattern [4]. The invariant part of the algorithm is implemented once in an abstract class, deferring the implementation of the steps that can vary to subclasses. These varying steps are defined either as abstract methods (whose implementation must be provided by a subclass) or as “hook” methods (whose default implementation may be overridden in a subclass). In other words, algorithms perform “generic” computations that can be specialized for specific tasks by subclasses.

An example of applying the template method pattern is given in Section 43.4, where we use the JDSL implementation of Dijkstra’s single-source shortest path algorithm [2]. The algorithm refers to the edge weights by means of an abstract method that can be specialized depending on how the weights are actually stored or computed in the application at hand.


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