Layout Data Structures:Quad Trees and Variants and Concluding Remarks

Quad Trees and Variants

Quad trees have been considered in Chapters 16 and 19. These chapters demonstrate that there are different flavors of quad-trees depending on the type of the data that are to be represented. For example, there are quad trees for regions, points, rectangles, and boundaries. In this chapter, we will be concerned with quad-trees for rectangles. We also note that Chapter 18 describes several data structures that can be used to store rectangles.

To the best of my knowledge, the use of these structures has not been reported in the VLSI design automation literature.

The underlying principle of the quad tree is to recursively subdivide the two-dimensional layout area into four “quads” until a stopping criterion is satisfied. The resulting structure is represented by a tree with a node corresponding to each quad, with the entire layout area represented by the root. A node contains children pointers to the four nodes corresponding the quads formed by the subdivision of the node’s quad. Quads that are not further subdivided are represented by leaves in the quad tree.

Ideally, each rectangle is the sole occupant of a leaf node. In general, of course, a rectangle does not fit inside any leaf quad, but rather intersects two or more leaf quads. To state this differently, it may intersect one or more of the horizontal and vertical lines (called bisectors) used to subdivide the layout region into quads. Three strategies have been considered in the literature as to where in the quad tree these rectangles should be stored. These strategies, which have given rise to a number of quad tree variants, are listed below and are illustrated in Figure 52.11.

1. SMALLEST: Store a rectangle in the smallest quad (not necessarily a leaf quad) that contains it. Such a quad is guaranteed to exist since each rectangle must be contained in the root quad.

2. SINGLE: Store a rectangle in precisely one of the leaf quads that it intersects.

3. MULTIPLE: Store a rectangle in all of the leaf quads that it intersects.


Obviously, if there is only one rectangle in a quad, there is no need to further subdivide the quad. However, this is an impractical (and sometimes impossible) stopping criterion. Most of the quad tree variants discussed below have auxiliary stopping criteria. Some subdivide a quad until it reaches a specified size related to the typical size of a small rectangle. Others stop if the number of rectangles in a quad is less than some threshold value. Figure 52.12 lists and classifies the quad tree variants.


Bisector List Quad Trees

Bisector List Quad Trees (BLQT) [22], which was the first quad-tree structure proposed for VLSI layouts, used the SMALLEST strategy. Here, a rectangle is associated with the smallest quad (leaf or non-leaf) that contains it. Any non-leaf quad Q is subdivided into four quads by a vertical bisector and a horizontal bisector. Any rectangle associated with this quad must intersect one or both of the bisectors (otherwise, it is contained in one of Q’s children, and should not be associated with Q). The set of rectangles are partitioned into two sets: V , which consists of rectangles that intersect the vertical bisector and H, which consists of rectangles that intersect the horizontal bisector. Rectangles that intersect both bisectors are arbitrarily assigned to one of V and H. These “lists” were actually implemented using binary trees. The rationale was that since most rectangles in IC layouts were small and uniformly distributed, most rectangles will be at leaf quads. A region search operation identifies all the quads that intersect a query window and checks all the rectangles in each of these quads for intersection with the query window. The BLQT (which is also called the MX-CIF quadtree) is also described in Chapter 16.

k-d Trees

Rosenberg [23] compared BLQT with k-d trees and showed experimentally that k-d trees outperformed an implementation of BLQT. Rosenberg’s implementation of the BLQT differs from the original in that linked lists rather than binary trees were used to represent bisector lists. It is hard to evaluate the impact of this on the experimental results, which showed that point-find and region-search queries visit fewer nodes when the k-d tree is used instead of BLQT. The experiments also show that k-d trees consume about 60-80% more space than BLQTs.

Multiple Storage Quad Trees

In 1986, Brown proposed a variation [24] called Multiple Storage Quad Trees (MSQT). Each rectangle is stored in every leaf quad it intersects. (See the quad tree labeled “MULTIPLE” in Figure 52.11.) An obvious disadvantage of this approach is that it results in wasted space.

This is partly remedied by only storing a rectangle once and having all of the leaf quads that it intersects contain a pointer to the rectangle. Another problem with this approach is that queries such as Region Search may report the same rectangle more than once. This is addressed by marking a rectangle when it is reported for the first time and by not reporting rectangles that have been previously marked. At the end of the Region Search operation, all marked rectangles need to be unmarked in preparation for the next query. Experiments on VLSI mask data were used to evaluate MSQT for different threshold values and for different Region Search queries. A large threshold value results in longer lists of pointers in the leaf quads that have to be searched. On the other hand, a small threshold value results in a quad-tree with greater height and more leaf nodes as quads have to be subdivided more before they meet the stopping criterion. Consequently, a rectangle now intersects and must be pointed at by more leaf nodes. A Region Search query with a small query rectangle (window) benefits from a smaller threshold because it has to search smaller lists in a handful of leaf quads. A large window benefits from a higher threshold value because it has to search fewer quads and encounters fewer duplicates.

Quad List Quad Trees

In 1989, Weyten and De Pauw [25] proposed a more efficient implementation of MSQT called Quad List Quad Trees (QLQT). For Region Searches, experiments on VLSI data showed speedups ranging from 1.85-4.92 over MSQT, depending on the size of the window. In QLQT, four different lists (numbered 0-3) are associated with each leaf node. If a rectangle intersects the leaf quad, a pointer to it is stored in one of the four lists. The choice of the list is determined by the relative position of this rectangle with respect to the quad. The relative position is encoded by a pair of bits xy. x is 0 if the rectangle does not cross the lower boundary of the leaf quad and is 1, otherwise. Similarly, y is 0 if the rectangle does not cross the left boundary of the leaf quad and is 1, otherwise. The rectangle is stored in the list corresponding to the integer represented by this two bit string. Figure 52.13 illustrates the concept. Notice that each rectangle belongs to exactly one list 0. This corresponds to the quad that contains the bottom left corner of the rectangle. Observe, also, that the combination of the four lists in a leaf quad gives the same pointers as the single list in the same leaf in MSQT. The Region Search of MSQT can now be improved for QLQT by using the following procedure for each quad that intersects the query window: if the query window’s left edge crosses the quad, only the quad’s lists 0 and 1 need to be searched. If the window’s bottom edge crosses the quad, the quad’s lists 0 and 2 need to be searched. If the windows bottom left corner belongs to the quad, all four lists must be searched. For all other quads, only list 0 must be searched. Thus the advantages of the QLQT over MSQT are:

1. QLQT has to examine fewer list nodes than MSQT for a Region Search query.

2. Unlike MSQT, QLQT does not require marking and unmarking procedures to identify duplicates.

Bounded Quad Trees

Later, in 1989, Pitaksanonkul et al. proposed a variation of quad trees [26] that we refer to as Bounded Quad Trees (BQT). Here, a rectangle is only stored in the quad that contains its bottom left corner.

(See the quad tree labeled “SINGLE” in Figure 52.11.) This maybe viewed as  a version of QLQT that only uses list 0. Experimental comparisons with k-d trees show that for small threshold values, quad trees search fewer nodes than k-d trees.


HV Trees

Next, in 1993, Lai et al. [27] presented a variation that once again uses bisector lists. It overcomes some of the inefficiencies of the original BLQT by a tighter implementation: An HV Tree consists of alternate levels of H-nodes and V-nodes. An H node splits the space assigned to it into two halves with a horizontal bisector while a V-node does the same by using a vertical bisector. A node is not split if the number of rectangles assigned to it is less than some fixed threshold.

Rectangles intersecting an H node’s horizontal bisector are stored in the node’s bisector list. Bisector lists are implemented using cut trees. A vertical cutline divides the horizontal bisector into two halves. All rectangles that intersect this vertical cutline are stored in the root of the cut tree. All rectangles to the left of the cutline are recursively stored in the left subtree and all rectangles to the right are recursively stored in the right subtree. So far, the data structure is identical to Kedem’s binary tree implementation of the bisector list. In addition to maintaining a list of rectangles intersecting a vertical cutline at the correspond- ing node n, the HV tree also maintains four additional bounds which significantly improve performance of the Region Search operation. The bounds y upper bound and y lower bound are the maximum and minimum y coordinates of any of the rectangles stored in n or in any of ns descendants. The bounds x lower bound and x upper bound are the minimum and maximum x coordinates of the rectangles stored in node n.

Figure 52.14 illustrates these concepts. Comprehensive experimental results comparing HVT with BQT, kD, and QLQT showed that the data structures ordered from best to worst in terms of space requirements were HVT, BQT, kD, and QLQT. In terms of speed, the best data structures were HVT and QLQT followed by BQT and finally kD.


FIGURE 52.14: Bisector list implementation in HVT. All rectangles intersect the thick horizontal bisector line (y = 5). The first vertical cutline at x = 13 corresponding to the root of the tree intersects rectangles C and D. These rectangles are stored in a linked list at the root. Rectangles A and B are to the left of the vertical cutline and are stored in the left subtree. Similarly, rectangles C and D are stored in the right subtree. The X bounds associated with the root node are obtained by examining the x coordinates of rectangles C and D, while its Y bounds are obtained by examining the y coordinates of all six rectangles stored in the tree. The two shaded rectangles are query rectangles. For Q1, the search will start at Root, but will not search the linked list with C and D because Q1’s right side is to the left of Root’s lower x bound. The search will then examine nodeL, but not nodeR. For Q2, the search will avoid searching the bisector list entirely because its upper side is below Root’s lower y bound.

Hinted Quad Trees

In 1997, Lai et al. [28] described a variation of the QLQT that was specifically designed for design rule checking. Design-rule checking requires one to check rectangles in the vicinity of the query rectangle for possible violations. Previously, this was achieved by employing a traditional region query whose rectangle was the original query rectangle extended in all directions by a specified amount. Region searches start at the root of the tree and proceed down the tree as discussed previously. The hinted quadtree is based on the philosophy that it is wasteful to begin searching at the root, when, with an appropriate hint, the algorithm can start the search lower down in the tree. Two questions arise here: at which node should the search begin and how does the algorithm get to that node? The node at which the design rule check for rectangle r begins is called the owner of r. This is defined as the lowest node in the quad-tree that completely contains r expanded in all four directions. Since the type of r is known (e.g., whether it is n-type diffusion or metal), the amount by which r has to be expanded is also known in advance. Clearly, any rectangle that intersects the expanded r must be referenced by at least one leaf in the owner node’s subtree. The owner node may be reached by following parent pointers from the rectangle. However, this could be expensive. Consequently, in HQT, each rectangle maintains a pointer to the owner virtually eliminating the cost of getting to that node. Although this is the main contribution of the HQT, there are additional implementation improvements over the underlying QLQT that are used to speed up the data structure. First, the HQT resolves the situation where the boundary of a rectangle stored in the data structure or a query rectangle coincides with that of a quad. Second, HQT sorts the four lists of rectangles stored in each leaf node with one of their x or y coordinates as keys. This reduces the search time at the leaves and consequently makes it possible to use a higher threshold than that used in QLQT. Experimental results showed that HQT out-performs QLQT, BQT, HVT, and k-d on neighbor-search queries by at least 20%. However, its build-time and space requirements were not as good as some of the other data structures.

Concluding Remarks

Most of the research in VLSI layout data structures was carried out in the early 80s through the mid-90s. This area has not been very active since then. One reason is that there continue to be several important challenges in VLSI physical design automation that must be addressed quickly so that physical design does not become a bottleneck to the continuing advances in semiconductors predicted by Moore’s Law. These challenges require physical design tools to consider “deep sub-micron effects” into account and take priority over data structure improvements. The implication of these effects is that problems in VLSI physical design are no longer purely geometric, but rather need to merge geometry with electronics. For example, in the early 1980s, one could safely use the length of a wire to estimate the delay of a signal traveling along it. This is no longer true for the majority of designs. Thus, the delay of a signal along the wire must now be estimated by factoring in its resistance and capacitance, in addition to its geometry. On the other hand, the more detailed computations of electronic quantities like capacitance, resistance, and inductance require the underlying data structures to support more complex operations. Thus, the author believes that there remain opportunities for developing better layout data structures. Another area that, to the best of our knowledge, has been neglected in the academic literature is that VLSI layout data needs to be efficiently stored in secondary storage because of its sheer size. Thus, although there is potential for academic research in this area, we believe that the design automation industry may well have addressed these issues in their proprietary software.

Unlike corner stitching, quad-trees permit rectangles to overlap. This addresses the problem that corner stitching has with handling multiple layers. On the other hand, corner stitching was designed for use in the context of an interactive layout editor, whereas quad trees are designed in the context of batched operations. We note that, to our knowledge, relatively recent data structures such as R trees have not been used for VLSI layout. It is unclear what the outcome of this comparison will be. On one hand, R-trees are considered to be faster than quad trees. On the other, the quad-trees developed in VLSI have been improved and optimized significantly as we have seen in this chapter. Also, VLSI data has generally been considered to consist of uniformly small rectangles, which may make it particularly suitable for quad trees, although this property may not be true when wires are considered.


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