Layout Data Structures:Corner Stitching Extensions

Corner Stitching Extensions

Expanded Rectangles

Expanded rectangles [10] expands solid tiles in the corner stitching data structure so that each tile contains solid material and the empty space around it. No extra tiles are needed to represent empty space. Thus, there are fewer tiles than in corner stitching. However, each tile now requires 44 rather than 28 bytes because additional fields are needed to store the coordinates of the solid portion of the tile. It was determined that expanded rectangles required less memory than corner stitching when the ratio of vacant to solid tiles in corner stitching was greater than 0.414. Operations on the expanded rectangles data structure are similar to those in corner stitching.

Trapezoidal Tiles

Marple et al [11] developed a layout system called “Tailor” that was similar to MAGIC except that it allowed 45 degree layout. Thus, rectangular tiles were replaced by trapezoidal tiles. There are 9 types of trapezoidal tiles as shown in Figure 52.7. An additional field that stores the type of trapezoidal tile is used. The operations on Tailor are similar to those in MAGIC and are implemented in a similar way. It is possible to extend these techniques to arbitrary angles making it possible to describe arbitrary polygonal shapes.


Curved Tiles

S´equin and Fac¸anha [12] proposed two generalizations to geometries including circles and arbitrary curved shapes, which arise in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). As with its corner stitching-based predecessors, the layout area is decomposed in a horizontally maximal fashion into tiles. Consequently, tiles have upper and lower horizontal sides. Their left and right sides are represented by parameterized cubic Bezier curves or by composite paths composed of linear, circular, and spline segments. Strategies for reducing storage by minimizing the number of tiles and curve-sharing among tiles are discussed.

L-shaped Tiles

Mehta and Blust [13] extended Ousterhout’s corner stitching data structure to directly represent L- and other simple rectilinear shapes without partitioning them into rectangles. This results in a data structure that is topologically different from the other versions of corner stitching described above. A key property of this L-shaped corner stitching (LCS) data structure is that

1. All vacant tiles are either rectangles or L- shapes.

2. No two vacant tiles in the layout can be merged to form a vacant rectangle or L-shaped tile.

Figure 52.8 shows three possible configurations for the same set of solid tiles.

There are four L-shape types (Figure 52.9), one for each orientation of the L-shape. The L-shapes are numbered according to the quadrant represented by the two lines meeting at the single concave corner of the L-shape.

Figure 52.10 describes the contents of L-shapes and rectangles in LCS and rectangles in the original rectangular corner stitching (RCS) data structure. The actual memory requirements of a node in bytes (last column of the table) are obtained by assuming that pointers and coordinates, each, require 4 bytes of storage, and by placing all the remaining bits into a single 4-byte word. Note that the space required by any L-shape is less than the space required by two rectangles in RCS and that the space required by a rectangle in LCS is equal to the space required by a rectangle in RCS. The following theorem has been proved in [9]:


THEOREM 52.1 The LCS data structure never requires more memory than the RCS data structure for the same set of solid rectangular tiles.

Proof Since all solid tiles are rectangles, and since a rectangle occupies 28 bytes in both LCS and RCS, the total memory required to store solid tiles is the same in each data structure. From the definitions of RCS and LCS, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set S1 of vacant rectangles in RCS and the set S2 consisting of (i) vacant rectangles in LCS and (ii) rectangles obtained by using a horizontal line to split each vacant L-shape in LCS; where each pair of related rectangles (one from S1, the other from S2) have identical dimensions and positions in the layout. Vacant rectangles in LCS require the same memory as the corresponding vacant rectangles in RCS. However, a vacant L-shape requires less memory than the two corresponding rectangles in RCS. Therefore, if there is at least one vacant L-shape, LCS requires less memory than RCS.

THEOREM 52.2 The LCS data structure requires 8.03 to 26.7 % less memory than the RCS data structure for a set of solid, rectangular tiles that satisfies the CV property.

Rectilinear Polygons

Since, in practice, circuit components can be arbitrary rectilinear polygons, it is necessary to partition them into rectangles to enable them to be stored in the corner stitching for- mat. MAGIC handles this by using horizontal lines to partition the polygons. This is not necessary from a theoretical standpoint, but it simplifies the implementation of the various corner stitching operations. Nahar and Sahni [15] studied this problem and presented an O(n+ kv log kv ) algorithm to decompose a polygon with n vertices and kv vertical inversions into rectangles using horizontal cuts only. (The number of vertical inversions of a polygon is defined as the minimum number of changes in vertical direction during a walk around the polygon divided by 2.) The quantity kv was observed to be small for polygons encountered in VLSI mask data. Consequently, the Nahar-Sahni algorithm outperforms an O(n log n) planesweep algorithm on VLSI mask data. We note that this problem is different from the problem of decomposing a rectilinear polygon into a minimum number of rectangles using both horizontal and vertical cuts, which has been studied extensively in the literature [16–19].

However, the extension is slower than the original corner stitching, and also harder to implement. Lopez and Mehta [20] presented algorithms for the problem of optimally breaking an arbitrary rectilinear polygon into L-shapes using horizontal cuts.

Parallel Corner Stitching

Mehta and Wilson [21] have studied a parallel implementation of corner stitching. Their work focuses on two batched operations (batched insert and delete). Their approach results in a significant speed-up in run times for these operations.

Comments about Corner Stitching

1. Corner stitching requires rectangles to be non-overlapping. A single layer of the chip consists of non-overlapping rectangles, but all the layers taken together will consist of overlapping rectangles. So, an instance of the corner stitching data structure can only be used for a single layer. However, corner stitching can be used to store multiple layers in the following way: consider two layers A and B. Superimpose the two layers. This can be thought of as a single layer with four types of rectangles: vacant rectangles, type A rectangles, type B rectangles, and type AB rectangles. Unfor- tunately, this could greatly increase the number of rectangles to be stored. It also makes it harder to perform insertion and deletion operations. Thus, in MAGIC, the layout is represented by a number of single-layer corner stitching instances and a few multiple-layer instances when the intersection between rectangles in different layers is meaningful; for example, transistors are formed by the intersection of poly and diffusion rectangles.

2. Corner stitching is difficult to implement. While the data structure itself is quite elegant, the author’s experience is that its implementation requires one to consider a lot of details that are not considered in a high-level description. This is supported by the following remark attributed to John Ousterhout [12]:

Corner-stitching is pretty straightforward at a high level, but it can become much more complicated when you actually sit down to implement things, particularly if you want the implementation to run fast

3. The Point Find operation can be slow. For example, Point Find could visit all the tiles in the data structure resulting in an O(n) time complexity. On the average, it requires O(n) time. This is expensive when compared with the O(log n) complexity that may be possible by using a tree type data structure. From a practical standpoint, the slow speed may be tolerable in an interactive environment in which a user performs one operation at a time (e.g., a Point Find could be performed by a mouse button click). Here, a slight difference in response time might not be noticeable by the user. Furthermore, in an interactive environment, these operations might actually be fast because they take advantage of locality of reference (i.e., the high likelihood that two successive points being searched by a user are near each other in the layout). However, in batch mode, where a number of operations are performed without user involvement, one is more likely to experience the average case complexity (unless the order of operations is chosen carefully so as to take advantage of locality of reference). The difference in time between corner stitching and a faster logarithmic technique will be significant.

4. Corner stitching requires more memory to store vacant tiles.


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