Image Data Structures:Translation Invariant Data Structure (TID)and Content-Based Image Retrieval System

Translation Invariant Data Structure (TID)

Methods for the region representation using quadtrees exist in the literature [2], [16], [17]. Much work has been done on quadtree properties, and algorithms for translations and manipulations have been derived by Dyer [2], Samet [18], [19], Shneier [24] and others.

Various improvements to quadtrees have been suggested including forests of quadtrees, hybrid quadtrees, linear quadtrees, and optimal quadtrees for image segments. All of these methods try to optimize quadtrees by removing some are all of the gray and white nodes. All of them maintain the same number of black nodes.

All these methods are sensitive to the placement of the origin. An image, which has been


translated from its original position, can have a very different looking structure [22]. We explain this phenomenon by using the example given in Figure 57.12. In Example 1, the black square is in the upper left corner. In Example 2, it is translated down and right by one pixel. Figure 57.13 gives the quadtree representation for these two examples.

The shift sensitivity of the image data structure derives from the fact that the positions of the maximal blocks represented by leaf nodes are not explicitly represented in the data structure. Instead, these positions are determined by the paths leading to them from the root of the tree. Thus, when the image is shifted, the maximal blocks are formed in a different way.

For this reason Scott and Iyengar [22] have introduced a new data structure called Translation Invariant Data structure (TID), which is not sensitive to the placement of the region and is translation invariant.

A maximal square is a black square of pixels that is not included in any large square of black pixels. TID is made of such maximal squares, which are represented as (i, j, s) where (i, j) is the coordinates of the northwest vertex of the square and ‘s’ is the length of the square. Translation made to any image can be represented as a function of these triples. For example consider a triple (i, j, s), translating it x units to the right and y units up yields (i+x, j+y, s) [22].

The rotation of the square by π/2 is only slightly more complicated due to the fact that the NW corner of the square changes upon rotation. The π/2 rotation around the origin gives (-j, i +s, s).

Content-Based Image Retrieval System

Images have always been a part of human communication. Due to the increase in the use of Internet the interest in the potential of digital images has increased greatly. Therefore we need to store and retrieve images in an efficient way. Locating and retrieving a desired image from a large database can be a very tedious process and is still an active area of research. This problem can be reduced greatly by using Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems, which retrieves images based only on the content of the image. This technique retrieves images on the basis of automatically-derived features such as color, texture, and shape.

What is CBIR?

Content-Based Image Retrieval is a process of retrieving desired images from a large database based on the internal features that can be obtained automatically from the images them- selves. CBIR techniques are used to index and retrieve images from databases based on their pictorial content, typically defined by a set of features extracted from an image that describe the color, texture, and/or shape of the entire image or of specific objects in the image. This feature description is used to index a database through various means such as distance-based techniques, rule-based decision-making, and fuzzy inferencing [4], [5], [25]. Images can be matched in two ways. Firstly, an image can be compared with another im- age to check for similarity. Secondly, images similar to the given image can be retrieved by searching a large image database. The latter process is called content-based image retrieval.

General structure of CBIR systems

The general computational framework of a CBIR system as shown in Figure 57.14 was proposed in [26].

At first, the image database is created, which stores the images as numerical values supplied by the feature extraction algorithms. These values are used to locate an image similar to the query image. The query image is processed by the same feature extraction algorithm that is applied to the images stored in the database.

57-16 Handbook of Data Structures and Applications


FIGURE 57.14: Computational framework of CBIR systems.

The similarity between the query image and the images stored in the database can be verified with the help of the similarity measure algorithm, which compares the results obtained from the feature extraction algorithms for both the query image and the images in the database. Thus after comparing the query image with all the images in the database the similarity measure algorithm gives a set as the result, which has all the images from the database that are similar to the query image.

An Example of CBIR System

An example of Content-Based Image Retrieval System is BlobWorld. The BlobWorld system, developed at the University of California, Berkeley, supports color, shape, spatial, and texture matching features. Blobworld is based on finding coherent image regions that roughly correspond to objects. The system automatically separates each image into homo- geneous regions in order to improve content-based image retrieval. Querying is based on the user specifying attributes of one or two regions of interest, rather than a description of the entire image. For more information on Blobworld see[1].

CBIR techniques are likely to be of most use in restricted subject areas, where merging with other types of data like text and sound can be achieved. Content-based image retrieval provides an efficient solution to the restrictions and the problems caused by the traditional information retrieval technique. The number of active research systems is increasing, which reflects the increasing interest in the field of content-based image retrieval.


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